Investing in the future through education

"By the means of scholarships for education and training we support people who are able to pass on their acquired knowledge to society."

Using education to share perspectives and orientation

The security situation in South Sudan and in Eastern Congo is unstable. In particular, poor education plays an important role. Youths and school kids are easy targets for fighting and rebel groups because these children and young adults hope for food and pay. They then obtain their ressources from the general public which in return leads to hunger, escape and suffering.

In order to break this cicle it is necessary to support teachers and training and education opportunities which enable job opportunities and spiritual and ethical orientation for youths.

Through the training an education of teachers and leaders we make an effective contribution for young people to gain new perspectives and rebuild their country with their newly acquired skills.

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Donations Account:

Stiftung Marburger Mission

Evangelische Bank eG, Kassel

BLZ 520 604 10

Konto-Nr. 202 126


IBAN: DE50 5206 0410 0000 2021 26

Keyword „Bildungsarbeit Ostafrika“