Place of Worship - House of Prayer in Barcelona
What was the first thing the wise men from the east did when they saw Jesus? Exactly! They fell on their knees and prayed to Jesus and then they gave him gifts. While this took place, the house turned into a "house of prayer". A place where people can get to know God, just as they are. That's the best gift that Jesus can bring us - our worship and prayer.
We want to offer and start such places of worship and prayer our various fields of work. We offer opportunities for people to start talking to God and to be changed in doing so. Philip Geppert who is working with his wife Tamar in Barcelona talks about it:
"Ana, we're going to have another prayer week," I said to a friend prior to our last prayer week. I got in touch with her during our last prayer week two years ago. "It was so cool to get to know you back then, Ana." Suddenly, her eyes became bigger. "Philip, did I never tell you the story of how decisive this experience has been for me?" Curiosity arose within me. Ana had always been the unknown girl that had been dragged into the prayer room one evening while I was playing some worship music with three friends. Something about the music had made her like it to the point of her asking to film some of it with her phone. We prayed for her which brought tears to her eyes. She seemed to be thankful for that. After that, I didn't hear anything from her except for the fact that she started coming to our church from that point on. "Philip, do you remember that I recorded you playing worship music? It was all so overwhelming that evening because it had been the very first time for me to go to a church. And in addition to that, it turned out to be some kind of a prayer room. I forgot to stop recording and also recorded your prayer. That was so special for me that it lead to me listening to that recording for eight months every week. It changed my entire life. Philip, that's why I got to know Jesus and that's why I'm at this church today!"
This experience and ones just like it lead Tamar and Philip Geppert to the vision to establish a house of prayer in Barcelona.
They want to create a placd which different kind of people come to, to celebrate God and to flourish in his presence.
You can become a participator in the work being done at this place of prayer in Barcelona! How? By praying regularly and supporting us financially.
Donations Account:
Stiftung Marburger Mission
Evangelische Bank eG, Kassel
BLZ 520 604 10
Konto-Nr. 202 126
IBAN: DE50 5206 0410 0000 2021 26