Sending / Supporting church
„I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.” Is 49:6
A "sending or supporting church" is a church which actively participates in the world mission. Working in collaboration with the Stiftung Marburger Mission, the churches can take on a sponsorship by sending one or more missionaries.
A church which gladly wants to participate in the world mission, yet cannot fulfill the expectations of a "sending church", has the possibility to become a "supporting church". This church cooperates with a "sending" church and supports realizing its responsibilities and obligations.
Sending and supporting churches are essential for our work. Next to the financial responsibility, the spiritual support the missionaries experience is a great help for them. The PDF documents below aim to explain the differences between sending and supporting churches. If you have any further questions please contact your staff member Helga Adelhardt via E-Mail.